Hidden Gems in Seremban, New Cafe Heirloom155
Hidden Gems in Seremban, New Cafe Heirloom155. A newly open cafe in Seremban Old Town area, which cafe located in a corner of a bungalow house (former house of founder’s great grandfather).
Heirloom155 which means heritage, treasure of a family and 155 is actually the house number. Is really good to have a quiet place to enjoys a cup of coffee, and have some quiet moment of ME TIME (recharge our energy after being torture by all kind of issue in life).
Heirloom155 have a very simple menu, with few choice of pastries. At here, you’re able to find the right coffee to suit your needs. They maintain a very low profile as they wish to give the best serving to every single individual who knock on their door. Coffee is an art, and it worth to share with person who have same interest.
Heirloom155 overall will give you a total different experience, hope you will like it.
Cafe Interview by SinChiew JitPoh: Click Here to read
A Gentle reminder from the founder,
This is first and foremost, a family home, it is run by a very small team that I treat as family. Please be respectful of the space and people working here and we hope you enjoy the space as much as we do. Any form of advertisement would be greatly appreciated if you could contact us beforehand and get our consent. Thank you.
As Heirloom155 carry certain sentimental values and memories of founder and family, please be kind when you’re visiting them.
Add: 155, Jalan Seng Meng Lee, Seremban, 70200 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan
Operation Hour: WED-SUN | 10am – 6pm
FB: https://www.facebook.com/heirloom155
IG: https://www.instagram.com/heirloom155_/
Waze: waze.com/ul/hw22rx9ydh