Toast House are soft launching our 4th branch, Seremban Toast House Lobak on 13th Sept 2021 (Mon). 6 years ago, their small team worked around the clock to make their grand opening a success. Today, they have moved their major operations to their 4th branch, the newest location and the largest operation site. Be sure […]
Hidden Gems in Seremban, New Cafe Heirloom155. A newly open cafe in Seremban Old Town area, which cafe located in a corner of a bungalow house (former house of founder’s great grandfather). Heirloom155 which means heritage, treasure of a family and 155 is actually the house number. Is really good to have a quiet place […]
Event: Me’nate Ramadan Previews 2021: Jom Buka PuasaDate: 30th Mar 2021Venue: Me’nate Steak Hub (Shah Alam) Me’nate Steak Hub always there to serves premium quality steaks at a very affordable prices. Good news to all supporters, Me’nate Steak Hub will start their Ramadan Buffet at few of their outlet during Month of Ramadan. The Ramadan […]
Malaya Garden Grand Opening 10 April 2021 at Kuala Lumpur City Centre. Thanks for inviting to witness this special moment. It located nearby the famous Kwai Chai Hong 鬼仔巷, now you know where to have your meals after take photo and “lepak”. Malaya Garden coming soon at Kuala Lumpur City Centre and it is […]
A traditional British expression of wonderful surprise or gratitude, and that is exactly the experience we wish to offer our customers as they eat our delicious food. Cor Blimey! serves the finest “British-style” Fish and Chips in Malaysia, giving Malaysians a real taste of an authentic British classic. We have 3 restaurants, located in SS15, […]